Maximizing Spring Top-Dress Applications
Apr 30, 2020

With #plant2020 here, spring top-dress applications should be top-of-mind for many growers. Typical top-dress applications are applied using white urea, with this though you may be setting yourself up for increased losses to ammonia volatilization, leaching and denitrification. Better protect your nitrogen investment with SUPERU® premium fertilizer.
Effective Protection from Ammonia Volatilization
Since nitrogen is generally top-dressed at corn growth stage V3-V7, you may be unable to incorporate the applied urea into the soil the recommended two inches deep, which can help protect it from losses due to volatilization. NBPT, the proven urease inhibitor found in SUPERU® inhibits the urease enzyme allowing more time for incorporation by rainfall or irrigation, meaning more nitrogen is available for plant uptake. This gives you peace of mind knowing your fertilizer investment is protected against volatilization.
Consistent Protection on Below-Ground Losses
Ammonia volatilization isn’t the only loss mechanisms you need to be addressing when it comes to top-dressed nitrogen applications. Below-ground losses can become an issue as well, especially when weather is warm and wet, creating the perfect conditions for leaching and denitrification losses. Thanks to the integrated nitrification inhibitor, DCD, SUPERU® also protects nitrogen against below-ground losses, helping keep it in the rooting zone for efficient uptake by the crop.
More Acres, Less Time
The spring planting season can be a busy time of year. SUPERU® not only provides protection against multiple nitrogen loss pathways, but also gives you the operational efficiencies you need. Consistent and uniform integration of active ingredients and a dry finished fertilizer, allows you to spread SUPERU® in broad, more even spread patterns, and results in less buildup on application equipment, meaning you can cover more acres in less time.To learn how SUPERU® can fit into your spring nitrogen management plan, contact your MKC strategic account manager or nearest MKC location today.