Q&A with Intern Jordyn Sanford
Jun 24, 2021
Name: Jordyn Sanford
Title: Feed Sales Intern
MKC Location: Manhattan, KS
Hometown: White City, KS
Education: Will be a senior at Oklahoma Panhandle State University studying agronomy and animal sciences
Why did you choose to pursue an internship with MKC/TMA?
This is my second internship at MKC and I love being able to try different career paths throughout MKC to ensure I will be doing what I love to do after I graduate. It is a great experience and eye-opening opportunity to find out if I enjoy working in the field I am interning in.
What does a day in your life look like this summer?
A day in my life involves arriving at the Manhattan location at 8 a.m. and helping in the feed mill until I meet with my mentor, Zoe Miller. We generally check up on my project or attend meetings for the feed department. Then, we drive around conversing with customers about mineral or creep feed benefits for the summer months.
What has been the most exciting part of your internship?
The most exciting part of my internship and thing I love most, is getting to meet people. This summer I have traveled to locations I have never been to before and get to meet new people at every place.
What motivates you most about getting up to start a new day as an intern?
I love each day as an intern because I enjoy keeping busy and helping others however I can. Helping in the mill each morning keeps me active, and it is fulfilling to lend a helping hand to the mill employees. I also continue to be motivated with my project because I know it will be beneficial for the company in the following years.
Favorite activity with your mentor?
Singing to all kinds of music in the pickup when we are heading to meet with customers.
When did you realize you were interested in the career path you’re pursuing?
I realized the career path I wanted pursue after attending Kansas Range Youth Camp for two years. It was a great experience where I met some of my best friends. I also got to learn about range management and stocking rates. I really enjoyed it and it is the reason I decided to dual major in agronomy and animal science.
What about your internship has been the most surprising to you?
I did not think I would be going to locations in Missouri in Mid-West Fertilizer’s footprint or even down in Plains, KS. I have never been to that part of Missouri and I got to see a new part of the United States.
A song you play on repeat?
Me Against the Mountain by Ian Munsick