Corn Hybrid's Response to Fungicide & Elite RX
Jan 13, 2023

The decision to apply a fungicide or not to your corn crop can be difficult but we have resources to help ensure you’re making a good decision. WinField United collects several thousand data points each year through the Answer Plot system along with dozens of local plots throughout the MKC and Mid-West Fertilizer trade territory so we can provide a response to fungicide (RTF) score for every corn hybrid that we offer. With this data we can understand if there is a low, moderate, or high response rate to fungicide applications on that individual hybrid. Utilizing this information can mitigate a lot of risk when determining which fields you should be making fungicide applications on.
The Elite RX program offers the opportunity to apply a fungicide to your corn hybrids that were purchased from MKC or Mid-West Fertilizer and if there isn’t a positive ROI from the application then there is a warranty program to mitigate the financial risk of the investment. I’d highly encourage you to reach out to your Strategic Account Manager or nearest MKC or Mid-West Fertilizer location to see if enrolling in the Elite RX program makes sense for your operation.
Between understanding the response to fungicide scores of the corn hybrids that you plant and utilizing an offering, like Elite RX, producers can put themselves in the best position to add value to their operations in 2023 with corn fungicide applications.